Are People Wandering Around Your High End Property With Lots Of Acreage? Get Help Fast

If you are having a problem with people in your yard at night and you aren't sure if just neighborhood kids or potential intruders, you want to take action. If you have a large, high-end property, you might not always be able to see what's going on throughout the grounds. However, there are a lot of things you can do to warn others to stay out, and to protect yourself legally. [Read More]

Building A Privacy Fence On Your Property: Important Do's And Don'ts

So, you're thinking about building a privacy fence on your property. Doing so will not only increase your home value, but will also provide added peace and serenity when spending time in your backyard. Still, before you hire a fence company like Rapasadi Fence to being planning your project, there are some guidelines you'll want to keep in mind to avoid conflicts and make sure you're not wasting any of your hard-earned money. [Read More]

2 Fencing Options For People Who Hate White Picket Fences

White picket fences are beloved by many, but for those people who hate the ubiquitous design, there are other options. Below are two alternative fencing styles. The two sections below will describe the fence style, what the benefits and drawbacks are, and what you can expect in installation and upkeep. Log Split Rail If you're looking for a fence that looks like it belongs on the set on an old Western movie, then this is the style to get. [Read More]

2 Things You Should Ask Your Fencing Contractor

As soon as you realize that you need a new fence, you might start combing your local classified ads for contractors who will do a great job. However, your choice of fence is just as important as your choice of contractor. Here are two things you should ask your fencing contractor so that you don't have buyer's remorse later: 1: "What does the maintenance entail?" That fence might not seem like it would require a lot of maintenance, but depending on which style you choose, you might end up outside fixing things up more than you like. [Read More]